Saturday, January 31, 2009

Made For Each Other

Over The Pond

I am convinced that some things in life are made for each other.

I have already been quoted as making that statement referring to Salinger, The Album Leaf, and dimly lit European apartments, and I meant that. I could simplify that even more to just The Album Leaf and Europe. Something just clicks here. I was thinking about this as I was pedaling around the back streets of Växjö today (tonight?). Their music seemed to fit so well with the Victorian style buildings, the cobblestone pathways, and old houses covered with vines a la Madeline.

I stopped beside of the old church that towers over the rest of the city. One of the great iron doors was open, so I slipped inside only to find the sanctuary was full. On the stage, the youth orchestra was performing assorted classics. I stayed long enough to catch the last 3 songs, much to my delight. The violins swirled as the violas and cellos bubbled underneath, with the conductor stirred the brew like a medieval witch. A beautiful and powerful spectacle. The 20-something girl I sat with in the very back row cried at one point.

By the time I left it was completely dark, and all the street lamps were lit, bathing me in a yellow glow as I biked back to my apartment.

The Last Man On Earth

At midnight, I sit in the common room, alone. Almost the whole floor is empty (trips, club) and I’m entertaining myself with old Vincent Price movies and Smashing Pumpkins music videos. A dinner of green beans, toast, and half a can of ravioli. I don’t expect anyone home for a few hours. I’m completely isolated, and I don’t mind.

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